Pedro Lobo is a graphic designer who could be identified as a visual artist and researcher. His ongoing work seeks to activate messages through a dialogical approach while taking a collaborative position at its core.

Pedro’s work specializes in crafting visual identities through art direction, design strategy, editorial design, web design, and moving image with a focus on storytelling.

If you want to collaborate, work, or just to say hi, get in touch!

2020 – 2022
Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design
The Critical Inquiry Lab

Design Academy Eindhoven
Bachelor in Communication Design
ESAD - Escola Superior de Artes e Design

2019 – Present
Communication Designer

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer
Porto Design Biennale

Clients & Collaborators
Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest
Nederlands Kamerorkest
Rua das Gaivotas 6
Porto Design Biennale
Studio Andrew Howard
André Cruz Studio
ESAD, Matosinhos
Casa do Design Matosinhos
Inês Nepomuceno
Susana Martins
MAAT Saxophone Quartet
● Rita Palha Lopes
Nuno Lobo
Agostinho Sequeira
Casa da Música, Porto
Rui Santos
Conservatorium van Amsterdam
● Netherlands Food Parternship
Afonso Sereno
Gustavo Nina
● Sketch 351
Design Academy Eindhoven
Vlad Braga
Carolina Feijó
● Daniel Bertini
● Miguel Howard
Eva Lotta Landskron
Louisa Wolf
● John Carrillo
Anna Perugini



Immersive Thrills:
Understanding Safe Spaces


Immersive Thrills: Understanding Safe Spaces

Design Academy Eindhoven

Research / Art Direction / Motion


Starting from Alfred Gell’s seminal article “Vogel’s Net: Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps” (1996), where Gell uses the image of the animal trap as a machine mediating between different life-worlds, Pedro Neves Marques invited us to go deeper on this conception. Together with Eva Lotta Landskron, we explore the theme park as a ‘trap’ and as a foundation to understand the social construct around Safe Spaces. Is this sense of safety an illusion? Are Safe Spaces political? In Immersive Thrills, we inspect the distinct ecologies that we encounter in these passionate experiences, how can we relate them to the power relations of one’s safety, and our human necessity for it.

  1. Research, Design, Art Direction
    Pedro Lobo & Eva Lotta Landskron

  2. Sound Design
    Nuno Lobo

  3. Voice

    Gabriela Galeano Pineda

  4. Format

    2 Video Installation, 1920 x 1080 px