The Turmoil of Finding a Place:
A Continuous Arabesque


The Turmoil of Finding a Place: A Continuous Arabesque

The Critical Inquiry Lab

Research / Writing / Editorial


The Turmoil of Finding a Place: A Continuous Arabesque, is the physical representation of a 2 year-long journey. This journey starts with an identity crisis, that mostly questions what is my role as a designer today.
And even though I’m talking from my perspective, I believe that my concerns, doubts, and insecurities about being a designer are possibly shared by other young designers. In a context where climate change is an immediate reality with harmful consequences to all species; where there’s a rapid increase in ideological polarization; where social inequality and intolerance are vividly present; where a capitalist system promotes individuality and competitiveness; where young people are struggling to find stability; is there any role for the designer other than selling products? And, If so, who has the possibility to practice the opposite?

While acknowledging my personal botherings within the social, political, environmental, cultural and structural tensions of the world today, I continuously questioned the ethical answer that design seems to offer as a solution.

Following a research and inquiry on the essay as form or the 'essayistic' as an approach, I considered the hypothesis of an unfinished design practice. By leaving things open and working with fragments, the 'essayistic' provides a possibility to others to take part in. Consequently, when being silent, this voice invites others to speak, making this hypothesis not only collective or plural, but collaborative as well.

  1. Design, Research, Writting
    Pedro Lobo

  2. Thesis Coordinator
    Patricia Reed, Yaniya Lee

  3. Special Thanks
    Ali T. As’ ad, Gijs de Boer, Matylda Krzykowski,
    Wineke van Muiswinkel, Jack Segbars,
    Saskia van Stein, Lua Vollaard